This week, we've had a fantastic time learning about folk music. We learnt how folk music, no matter where it originates, is about the people and stories from different cultures. We reflected on how different traditional and modern UK folk music made us feel, with some great reflection about feeling happy, in a bubble, calm, in the woods, round a campfire and lots more.
Base 3 then learnt about different music notation, such as crotchets, quavers, minims and semibreves. We focused on rhythm and learnt three different time signatures for music, even practicing a waltz around the classroom to 3/4 time. I was amazed when Base 3 were able to tell me that the carol Silent Night was in 3/4 time too!
At the end of the week, we learnt a folk song from the canals called Carrying the Load. Using what we learnt, we decided to write our own folk song about Base 3, telling our own story. There were some incredible ideas which we put together and even sang a rendition for our Achieve assembly.
A fully deserved break awaits this weekend Base 3! You've all worked super hard and engaged and enjoyed your learning. See you on Monday.
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich