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Base 3 news

27th November 2020 – by Mr Lindop
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An amazing week in Base 3 this week. I have been so proud of how hard the children have worked, how well they have improved their work over the week and the thought and effort which is going into everything they do.

Our English work this week has seen us writing about a character stuck in a classroom wanting to be outside and free in his safe place, based on Dylan from My Name is River by Emma Rea. I could have chosen so many to share because the quality was brilliant, but here's an extract from Josh and Annabel's work:

"Ollie was on a mental walk by this point. He imagined himself on a journey climbing rocky terrain, through Delaware and ascending the steep mountain onto a tree branch. He felt zen."

"Penny broke back into her daydream and let her mind wander. She slowly started to remember her quiet place. All she needed to do was walk along the boggy, silent field and through the glittering stream then follow the sunbeam to get back home. She could feel the rough bark from her favourite tree at home. Penny loved seeing the dappled sunlight spill through the tall, towering trees. Penny adored it."

We also been exploring a fascinating map for the UK from 1701, before the industrial revolution. We've discussed populated areas and why cities might have grown up around the different industries. We also learnt that there were lots of different industries around us, but the main ones were salt and cheese.

Finally, a massive well done to all the children of Base 3 for their TT rockstars efforts this week. Though we were just pipped to the post, I saw throughout the week how much effort you were all putting in at home to win and learn your tables this week. It definitely showed in your times tables test on Friday with some much quicker and more accurate scores.

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