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Well done to all of Base 3 for a tremendous effort this week. You've all been superstars.

In RE, we discussed Peter's betrayal of Jesus before his crucifixion and we came up with the discussion question "Is it ok to lie to a friend?" The children showed incredible speaking, listening and critical thinking skills as we discussed in the outdoor classroom, sharing their views and ideas. Amazing work!

In Science, we've been using what we learnt about different teeth to help us spot patterns and organise pictures of different animals teeth. We made some interesting discoveries on how the animals' teeth give us an insight into what their diet might be.

We've also been writing reports into a robbery in our book, The Promise and working hard on pictograms and sorting data in maths.

Congratulations to all of base 4 for another tremendous week. A special mention goes to Reefe and Skye for winning this week's achieve awards.

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