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Base 3

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A shorter but busy week in Base 3. This week, in English, we have started writing a story based on our Rhythm of the Rain book, we have focused on adverbs, adjectives and conjunctions. We now have the start of some lovely stories- I am looking forward to continuing these next week. We also explored a new text 'Dawn Seal' by Holly Webb- we learnt some interesting new vocabulary. Do you know what hefted means? If not, ask someone in Base 3!
In maths we have been learning how to subtract 10 across 100. We have used Base 10 and numberlines to do this. The children like to do this in two steps, subtracting to the previous ten and then subtracting what is left. We have used our number bond knowledge to help with this. We have also been playing on numbots and TTRS- something we really enjoy. This helps us secure number knowledge and learn our timestables.
We have also been learning about patterns in art, mark making and the use of textiles. We have painted the background on our textiles in readiness for our stitching next week. The children enjoyed exploring painting on textiles as they experimented with paint and water ratios as well as the creation of patterns with paint. We have also been putting some of our learning journey pages together. Today we completed our page about the seasons in Egypt. Here we have learnt how these seasons and the Nile ensured that farming thrived in ancient Egypt.
As well as this, we have made some delicious peppermint creams for the Wrenbury Christmas fair on Saturday. I did a little taste test and they were scrumptious!
Not only have we been busy with all of this, we have leant about the Holy Trinity in RE, practised indoor athletics in PE, sung our hearts out in Music (and assembly) and even managed to have some playtime too!


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