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Base 2's weekly update

26th November 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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We have had a fabulous week in Base 2, with plenty of fun learning going on!

In Maths this week, we have started multiplication and division and began with understanding the concept of multiplication. We looked at the vocabulary used for multiplication and what it means. Then we moved to using multiplication and repeated addition which has helped us to understand the concept. Some of us were applying this concept in different problems. Next week we will continue to work on multiplication.

In Literacy, we have been learning how to write a recount of a real-life event. Following our fantastic trip on Tuesday we all had so much information in our heads, so we decided to write a recount of our trip including the different things we did and what we learnt. We are now really securing our sentence structure and using a wider range of vocabulary across our writing. Next week we will be editing and writing a postcard.

On Tuesday, we had a very lovely day out of school at Blists Hill, a Victorian village. We spent half the day exploring the village, looking at the different shops that the Victorians had. We visited a grocery store, the butcher's, the dressmaker's shop, the sweet shop, the printer's, the bakery and the post office. The children very much enjoyed the visit to the bank and identified the differences between the modern day bank. We visited the Chemist which in Victorian times was four shops in one: the dentist, the vet's, the pharmacy and the optician's. It was very interesting to learn that all of the medicines were made in the shop and not brought in from a large factory. After having lunch, it was our turn to become Victorian children and go to school. We got dressed up in Victorian clothes and walked down to the school in a line of boys and girls and in height order. Victorian School was much stricter than school is today. We had to sit in lines, only speak when we are spoken to and boys with their hands behind their backs and girls with their hands on their knees. If anyone was misbehaving they would have been hit with the cane on their left hand. We had a go at writing on slate boards with a slate pencil because the Victorians didn't have work books. It was a fabulous experience for all of the children and the adults. Thank you to all of the parent helpers who joined us!

Keep practising your spellings and times tables, as well as reading to climb up the ladder!


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