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Base 2's Science week

13th July 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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What a fabulous week we have all had in school this week!

We have all thoroughly enjoyed the lovely Science activities that have been arranged by Miss Pitchford and the rest of the staff in school. We have had a number of visitors in school that have helped us to learn more about having a healthy body and a healthy mind. We have taken part in many activities including:
-The wrenbury walk everyday
-Self care with Mrs Rowlands
-Yoga with Shelley from the Ministry of Yoga
-Some children visited the nurse at the doctor's surgery
-Dr Phillips, who works in a hospital, came to teach us about our bodies
-An assembly with Dr Gape
-A walk around our village

Thank you to all of the people who joined us and made it a very enjoyable and educational experience.

As well as all of the activities above, Base 2 have done a wide range of science activities including designing and building a bird's nest baring the bird's needs in mind, understanding the growth of animals and humans, identifying our individual needs and wants, exploring food types and creating a balanced meal.

We finished our week with a local area study as part of our geography work. We walked to the railway station, the green, the church, the surgery and the park. We had to look for different features and tick them off on our sheet whilst also doing some sketches of different things. A lovely way to finish the week and because the children worked so hard all week, they even got to play on the park for ten minutes.

I am looking forward to our final week and a half together with lots of fun activities to do to finish off our summer term topic. Well done Base 2, you have all worked so hard all year! Don't forget to read every day this weekend!

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