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Base 2 update

9th October 2015 – by !
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Hello Everyone!

We have had a fabulous week in Base 2! All of the children have been working really hard and exploring the school grounds in search of beautiful spiders and their webs!

As you know, we are reading the book 'Charlotte's Web' and our adventure with real spiders began last Friday morning...

It was a fresh morning at Wrenbury Primary School and because of the mist and fog all of the spiders webs on the gates and on the bus shelters were magical! It was just like walking onto Mr Zuckerman's Farm and visiting Charlotte in the story! Base 2 went outside and roamed the grounds searching for and examining these webs. Everyone was so excited! We even saw some with flies trapped in them!

This outdoor adventure created a buzz for learning about spiders and we have brought that into our Literacy lessons this week. We have written spider descriptions, taken notes from a video about spiders and learned lots of spider facts! Did you know there are over 34,000 species of spider? We have listened to and written spider poetry and have ended the week by planning ideas for our very own spider story. Next week we will be learning how to write a story and the basics needed to write a fantastic one!

The children have had an amazing week with this theme from the story and it is evident from the work produced that they have worked extremely hard on their writing. I am very pleased with the progress the children are making and their confidence in writing is growing which is a pleasure to see.

More news next week. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Davies

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