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Base 2 Update

10th July 2016 – by Miss Davies
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Hi everyone!

Another great week of learning in Base 2! We have had such fun in art using modelling clay to create our own 3D lighthouses, just like the one Mr Grinling keeps in the 'Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We have started painting them and will finish them tomorrow in the afternoon session.

In Maths this week, we have again kept the focus on number recapping our previous learning on odd and even numbers. The children have also used 100 squares to recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10. We have used the interactive whiteboard to complete activities reinforcing our understanding of times tables.

In literacy we have reinforced the importance of using a variety of punctuation within our writing and have focused on up levelling sentences making them more interesting to read. We have also linked our writing to our history topic of the Titanic writing letters to a family member explaining how excited we are to have the opportunity to board the famous cruise liner. The children have worked especially hard on these and should be very proud of themselves!

Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the children who took part in the school sports day! It was a fantastic afternoon and the children really enjoyed taking part. There was a true sense of team spirit and it was a great atmosphere, well done everyone!

Looking to next week, we have the very exciting pirate day on Tuesday 12th of July. I am looking forward to seeing all of the base 2 crew dressed up and ready to explore the high seas during our fun filled day of activities!

Until next time, have a lovely week!

Miss Davies

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