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Base 2 news

20th March 2015 – by Mrs Chapman-Brown
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What a very exciting and fun packed time we have had in Base 2 this week!
Science week, Puppet making and the solar eclipse all rolled into one!


In Literacy this week we wrote our own Maisie's Pet stories and created our own new characters. Some of the Year 2's even tried to use paragraphs in their story writing!
Next week we will start to look at Instructions.


In Numeracy we have been doubling numbers up to 12 and investigating odd and even numbers. We also used our knowledge of multiplication to help us divide numbers into equal groups. Lots of fun was had on the playground with capacity. Some children got rather wet ! Our homework this week is to investigate capacity a little further.


As you know it was National Science Week and the children had so much fun. Some children tried to make different sized bubbles and looked at different ways of making them travel faster or slower. Did the bigger bubbles fall more quickly to the ground? Other children investigated ramps and rolling/ sliding objects. We also carried out a test to see which hand was better at completing various activities. Left or right? And we finally managed to transfer our ever growing bean plants into larger pots – thank you Mrs Ashley for your help!

Design Technology

Our puppet making day was fabulous! The children started by investigating different puppets and looking at what features made them successful. We spent some time practising sewing and joining materials together and cutting out templates. Finally we designed and made our own glove puppets with amazing results! Well done to all of Base 2 who worked so hard and a huge thank you to all the mums who gave up their time to help – Mrs Goodwin, Mrs Dawson. Ms Gregory and Ms Hinton – how many times did you thread a needle in one day? During the next session we will evaluate our puppets.

Next week the children will be doing some maths assessments so lots of mental maths practise over the weekend would be very useful.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Chapman-Brown and Mrs Everall

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