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Base 2 news

7th May 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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Base 2 have done lots of super learning this week.

In literacy we turned our focus from giraffes to meerkats. The children have planned, written and edited a non- chronological report about meerkats – we are all now experts on the subject! It was a great opportunity to practise writing question sentences and including a wow fact with an exclamation mark. Peer editing was also a big focus for us this week. We paired up to read through our writing and helped each other check it made sense and had the correct punctuation.

We have been revising a few key concepts in maths this week. After recapping money and making sure we were all happy with the value of each coin we then used money as a way of practising addition and subtraction. The year 1 children focussed on their number bonds and subtraction facts within 20 whilst the year 2 children worked on finding different ways of making a total amount.

In geography we found out that Africa is made up of 54 countries. We then looked more closely at just 3 of these as they are the location of the Kalahari desert. We learnt more about the desert habitat and how the plants and animals that live there survive. Did you know that the acacia tree has exceptionally long roots and thorns to store water, and that meerkats come out of their burrows very early so that they don't have to be out when the desert gets really hot? We then compared this with what we know about woodland habitats and the plants and animals that live there.

We have also been learning about parts of the human body in science. We drew Freddie's outline (thank you Freddie for being a wonderful volunteer!) onto a huge piece of paper and then found and labelled key parts of the human body, including those related to the senses. We even challenged ourselves to think about our important organs and learnt that our skin is the biggest organ of the body.

I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely sunny Sunday.
Miss Pitchford

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