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Base 2 news

6th May 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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Base 2 have been extremely busy this week and have all been working their socks off to do the best that they can do.

In our English so far this term we have been exploring our new book, The Lion Inside. Before we read anymore we decided it would be a good idea to learn a bit more about lions. So this week we have learnt a wide range of facts about lions including what they look like, what they eat and where they live. We used our facts to write a fact file; everyone tried very hard to write some super sentences.

In Maths, our brains have been challenged with position and direction. We have been learning our left and right, clockwise and anticlockwise and turns in quarters and halves. It was a challenge to remember all of these instructions but we did a very good job and then had a go at finding the pirate's treasures and playing a turtle moving game. Next week, year 2 will be applying all of their maths skills to a range of questions and year 1 will be developing their understanding of number and place value.

Mrs Pegram has been very kind and given up some of her time this week to come and create a jungle with the children. They have all had a go at making trees, vines and leaves to transform our displays into jungles. Thank you from all of Base 2!

On Wednesday 8th May, there is a drop-in session for year 2 parents about the SATs process. This is an opportunity to understand the process the children will go through over the coming weeks and for you to ask any questions you may have.


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