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Base 2 News

11th March 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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This week has flown by in Base 2! In literacy this week we have read some more of our book, Toys in Space. We have discovered that the poor toys who were left out in the garden were zapped up into space by a spaceship. Some of the toys were excited and some of them frightened by this experience. We took the opportunity to put ourselves in their position and plan and write a diary entry from their point of view. The Y1 children created their plan using pictures and key words to show what they would write in each section and the Y2 children focussed on planning just using key words and ideas. We then used our plan to write our diary by putting all of the ideas we had into full sentences and working on extending our sentences using different conjunctions. We then peer edited our work with a friend to work together and make it even better.

In maths we worked on division in a real life context. We started by practically sharing objects before progressing to using a bar model method (a picture) and sharing out the correct number of dots. By the end of the week we were really well practised using this method and confident solving word problems, some of us even started to work out problems were there was a remainder left over.

For our independent write this week we learnt about Tim Peake and his mission to space. The children wrote him a letter telling him all about what they had learnt and asking lots of questions they had. There were some fabulous ideas!

The last two weeks have been fairtrade fortnight. To mark this, the children did an activity based around what they eat for breakfast. They learnt that out food comes from all over the world and about the importance of giving the farmers who grow our food a fair wage so they they can look after their families.

This week we have also put some broad bean seeds into compost. We are just waiting for them to sprout before properly planting them into little pots. They are sitting on our classroom window sill so we can check them regularly, we will keep you updated on their progress!

I hope everybody has had a lovely weekend.
Miss Pitchford

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