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Base 2 news

1st March 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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We have had a great week back in Base 2. I hope you all enjoyed the half term break, everyone has come back well rested and ready to learn.

In literacy we have been poets writing poems about a storm. We have used some fabulous language to describe the storms including crashing waves, bolts of lightning, thundery clouds and many more. We finished the week with an independent piece of writing, retelling the story using the language from our storm poems to describe the weather. Next week we will be learning about Benin Davies and finish off the Storm Whale in Winter.

In Maths we have been securing our understanding of multiplication and division. We have been finding groups of and sharing, using the multiplication and division sign to multiply and divide mentally and then solving some problems. Some of the problems were making us think deeper and reason with our Maths. Next week we are moving onto measurement focusing on money.

We have continued with our Geography learning this week, we have looked at coasts around the world. We explored pictures to identify some of the different features; next week we will learn the definitions for the features of coasts.

Base 2 had a visit from Mr Barker who is part of the Bible Society. Mrs Clarke very kindly arranged this for Base 2 to allow the children to develop their understanding of the bible and bibles around the world.

Next week is our Reading Week. We have a lot of lovely activities arranged to enjoy a wide range of books. Don't forget that Thursday is World Book Day and you are allowed to come in dressed as your favourite character from a book.

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