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Base 2 news

24th January 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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What an extraordinarily busy week Base 2 have had! We also won the attendance this week.

Everyone has worked their socks off this week and deserve a very big rest this weekend. In Literacy we have been exploring our book further, finishing our character description of Noi and becoming both detectives and reporters. Sadly Noi had lost all of his 6 cats around the beach. We had to be detectives to describe the location of the cats and some of us had to describe the cats as well. Next week, we will be reporters and write our newspaper reports about the missing cats.

In maths we have been adding and subtracting. Some of us have worked very hard to add and subtract using Numicon or mentally and then apply this to different problems. Others have been adding and subtracting tens and also applying this to some challenging problems. Next week we will continue working with addition and subtraction using different methods and finding missing numbers.

We have been excellent Scientists this week, we have finished exploring the layers of the ocean and the animals that live in each. We then moved onto classifying objects,we learnt what classification was and had a go at classifying ourselves. We then had to classify objects under the headings of living, dead or never alive. The children asked excellent scientific questions about what different objects are made from.

I'm pleased that so many of you have started to enjoy Times Tables Rockstars, the children now have the login details in the back of your homework books. Keep reading and learning you spellings.

Have a lovely restful weekend.

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