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Base 2 news

8th July 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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What a very busy few weeks we have had in Base 2! Along with enjoying the beautiful weather, with some of our learning taking place outside in the shade.

In class we have been writing poems about bears and Paddington bear, thinking carefully about the vocabulary we could use. These are now beautifully presented in our learning journey books. We have also been creating a new character and writing character description, in preparation for our retelling of Bears Don't Read. The children have acted out the story and planned their own stories ready to write.

In maths we have been securing our understanding of time and money as these are key life skills. The children have worked extremely hard with all of this especially when faced with challenges.

We have been exploring Peru in more detail look at some key human and physical geographical facts about Peru and also comparing two villages in Peru. These two villages were contrasting ones as one had electricity and the other didn't. We explored the ways of life in both villages.

Sports day was a fantastic day, enjoyed by all with every child trying their very best .

Next week is yet another busy week, we will be exploring Science over the week with a focus on Healthy mind, healthy body. A wide range of visitors will be in school and activities have been arranged for the children to take part in to develop their understanding of their body.

Enjoy the rest of the sunny weekend; don't forget sun cream, hats and water for next week!


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