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Base 2 news

13th January 2019 – by Miss Phillips
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What a fantastic first week back! It was lovely to see everyone back well rested and ready to learn after the Christmas Holiday. It has been lovely hearing about the exciting things that the children have got up to over the break.

On Monday we came into our classroom which was covered with sand, shells, buckets, spades, cats, rocks, and old piece of rope and fishing nets. We didn't know where they had come from, but there was also a picture of a boy and we thought that might help us. We had to become detectives and investigate what we had found. It was important that we used our descriptive noun phrases to identify the evidence. Using what we had found we then made some predictions about our new book. Then we finally found out the title, the Storm Whale in Winter. Next week we will be exploring feelings of the main character and writing a character description.

In maths we have all worked extremely hard and I was so impressed that we have all retained our learning from last term. We were exploring number further this week, we ensured we understood what a Humber is made up of, we ordered numbers and solved some tricky problems. Next week we will be comparing numbers and moving into addition and subtraction.

Our Learning Journey this term is all about Oceans and we started with our art week which also made links to science. We observed and sketched very carefully a range of different shells. We made a shell using clay and then explored mixing colours to get the right shades to paint our shells. With Mrs Cador we did some close up sketches of shells, making sure we included every detail and the drawing filled the page, this was a challenge because the shells were much smaller than the paper. We them washed them with blue ink and carefully went over the pencil lines with a black pen. They look fantastic up on the wall.

Next week we will continue to learn about the ocean through Science and learning about animals and habitats.

On Tuesday we are very lucky to be going to the cinema, this will be a great day out and we are very grateful to Mr Kelly who has organised this for us. Don't forget to bring a packed lunch and drink. We will be going in school uniform and you will need your coat.

Keep practising your spellings, times tables, reading and complete your homework task.

Well done for a super week Base 2!

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