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Base 2 News

22nd October 2016 – by Miss Pitchford
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We have had a lovely week in Base 2 with lots of preparation for our Harvest Celebration. We enjoyed printing with different vegetables to create a giant version of the vegetable and then in groups used the iPads to find and write facts about the vegetable we had painted. The children wrote some super facts and then practised using their biggest voices to read them out! Thank you to everyone who came to the Church on Thursday to join in our Harvest Celebration.

In literacy this week we have been using the Anthony Browne book, 'Into the Forest', to inspire our work. We have been using drama to re-enact and retell the story and this has also helped to inspire our writing. I've been really pleased with the creative and thoughtful ideas the children have come up with about the characters feelings and decisions that are made within the story.

In maths we have continued our work on addition and subtraction. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20 to start to work with bigger numbers up to 100. We have learnt that addition is commutative (and been practising saying that big word!) and seen that subtraction is not and also been using a number line to solve missing number problems.

In science this week we used our windsocks to test different areas on the school grounds to see how windy they were. We used a scale to show how windy it was with 1 being not windy at all and 4 being as windy as a hurricane. We decided if it was this windy we would hardly be able to hold onto our windsocks! We discovered that the wooded area and outdoor classroom were not as windy as open areas like the football pitch and decided that this was because they were more sheltered. The children worked really well together and made some great observations.

A little reminder: well done to those who have already completed their MyMaths homework. I will set some more on Monday.

Have a super weekend everybody, I will see you on Monday!
Miss Pitchford

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