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Base 2 news

11th June 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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It has been a very exciting week back in Base 2.

We couldn't believe it on Monday morning when in the outdoor classroom, sheltering from the pouring rain, we found a Bog Baby! It had even brought us a book to tell us all about it and some surveys to fill in and send back to S.O.B.B (Save Our Bog Babies). We have really enjoyed getting to know our bog baby and writing to S.O.B.B to tell them all about this very rare creature we found. By Wednesday we were such bog baby experts that we could write a non-chronological report full of bog baby facts so that the rest of the school can learn all about them too. This was a great opportunity to show off how good we are at using all of the punctuation we have been learning this year, including question marks, exclamation marks and commas (in Y2). We have also written some very clear instructions so that if Mums and Dads find themselves with a bog baby to look after while we are at school, they would know exactly what to do!

When we could pull ourselves away from our new friend Bog Baby, we did some maths and consolidated some of the measures work we have done this year. We started by recapping capacity, we know that we measure in ml and practised describing how full or empty containers were using the correct vocabulary. We also did some reasoning and problem solving activities that involved ordering and comparing capacities using clues and this challenged us to explain what we thought clearly to our friends as well as be very organised when working in a team. Towards the end of the week we revisited weight and length and had to sort and compare all of these different ways of measuring things. The year 2 children also learnt about how we measure temperature, ask them to see if they can remember the unit of measurement!

We checked on our plants growing in the garden area this week and all of this sunshine and rain has been great for the veg and herbs we are growing. We need to say a really big thank you to Taylor's mum who gave us lots of seeds to plant, we are really enjoying watching them grow and can't wait to eat something we have grown ourselves before the summer holidays!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
Miss Pitchford

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