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Base 2 news

4th February 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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What an eventful week in Base 2! We have had a mystery intruder who has made a bit of a mess of our reading area and taken some of our books, including the Roald Dahl books. We had to become detectives to investigate the crime scene, taking notes of the evidence we found. We used our adjectives to describe the evidence we found, there was a pitch black mask that had been dropped on the intruder's way out as well as dirty footprints across the back of the classroom. Using our detective notes, we started to write a report to help us solve the crime. Next week we will continue to investigate this by becoming newspaper reporters and questioning some of the victims.

In Maths, we have been exploring and using money. We have been understanding pounds and pence. We have learnt how to add money together, make total amounts using different coins and comparing amounts of money. Money is a very important part of life, to support your children further it would be great if you could give them the opportunity to deal with money when out shopping or just at home to help adding and giving change. Next week we will finish off our work on money by solving some more complicated problems.

We have completed the first page in our Learning Journey books and they look fabulous already. As musicians, we put our hand to writing some music on manuscript paper. We wrote out London's Burning piece of music making sure we took care when writing the different notes.

Next week, we will complete our work in music, present our writing about the Great Fire of London and start some of our computing work creating an electronic book using Scratch Junior.

Please keep practising spellings, times tables and keep reading every day.

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