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Base 2 news

8th October 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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Base 2 had a very messy week last week! Some mischievous elephants had jumped from their book and entered our classroom to have their breakfast. They made such a mess whilst having their breakfast. there were toys all over the place, spilt breakfast cereal, teabags thrown across the table and plates turned upside down! We decided we must describe the mess so that people would know how much mess the elephants had made! We used some excellent adjectives and positional language, making sure we wrote in full sentences.

Our Maths lessons last week, saw a start to addition. We have made sure that we understand what addition means and the sign to use. We have been adding single digits, learning number bonds and applying our number bonds to questions. To do this we have been using the numicon and cubes to help us.

This week, we are writing some instructions for how to make the perfect breakfast, just like Mrs Large created in 5 Minutes Peace. In Maths we are continuing our addition journey finding different strategies to use and learn important facts.

Our Harvest service is coming together nicely, the children all have a small part to say in church and it' been great seeing the children work together on their ideas for the service.

We will be continuing with our Learning Journey work, through Geography. We have looked at the countries of the UK and will be moving onto looking at the movement of evacuees.

Keep practising your spellings and times tables. Try to read as often as you can and don't forget to have a go at your homework!


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