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Base 2 news

4th December 2016 – by Miss Pitchford
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It has been a particularly festive start to December in Base 2. We have been very busy preparing Christmas goodies to sell at the Christmas fair and rehearsing for next week's nativity. Thank you to everyone who came along to the Christmas Fair on Friday, and an especially big thank you to those who helped out on stalls, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!

We need to say a massive thank you to Laura and Charlie's mum, Henry's mum, and Taylor's mum who joined us on Monday afternoon and brought along different Christmas crafts for us to have a go at. We had a great time making hamma bead decorations and candy cane reindeers, and we hope everyone at the Christmas fair enjoyed having the chance to buy them!

In literacy this week we have been working on poetry. We have been reading and joining in with lots of different types of poetry and thinking about what we like or dislike about it. We are working hard at the moment on justifying our opinions. We have written some lovely descriptive poetry about the Minpin forest and also some riddles. We had a lot of fun coming up with clues that would help people guess what we were describing.

In maths we have been continuing our work on multiplication and division. The Y2 children have been thinking about how multiplication and division are linked, whilst the Y1 children have been focussing on sharing as a way of helping us solve division problems. Our maths work remains very practical to help the children gain a really secure idea of what it really means to multiply and divide. Thank you to everyone who has already handed in their maths homework, I will be taking in any remaining green homework books tomorrow and will be setting a MyMaths task for the next 2 weeks.

Our nativity performance is fast approaching and we are looking forward to you all coming to watch on Wednesday or Thursday this week. If your child has got words to learn, please do help them practise saying them using a big voice over the next few days.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
Miss Pitchford

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