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Base 2 news

23rd September 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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What another fantastic week we have had in Base 2!!

We have completed our DT project, WW2 gas masks that evacuees had to carry with them when moving from the cities to the country side. They look absolutely fantastic and the children have done a wonderful job creating them. They have had to use a wide range of skills, some of which were very challenging but the children persevered and the outcome is excellent. Our classroom is starting to come alive!

In Literacy this week, we have ex pl loved one of this term's teaching texts, 5 Minutes Peace. We have been describing Mrs Large, exploring both her looks and how she is feeling. We have learnt what an adjective is and how to use them in sentences. Next week we will continue work with our text and we will also be writing instructions for how to make a gas mask.

In Maths, we have been developing our understanding of number through exploring tens and ones. We have used the dienes as a learning support to help us with our understanding. We have also challenged our selves with some challenging problems requiring us to apply I ur knowledge of tens and ones. Next week we will be further exploring number looking at sequencing, ordering and comparing.

Our learning Journey next week will continue to develop our knowledge of evacuees by looking at their movement during the war. To do this we will be exploring maps and plotting places onto our own maps.

The children have now got a homework book where weekly homework can be done and timetables can be practised. Homework in due in school on Fridays. The children also have got a timetables sheet in the front of their books which explains what they need to learn. Keep practising spellings and read as often as you can.

Keep up the hard work Base 2!


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