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Base 2 news

16th September 2018 – by Miss Phillips
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We have completed our first full week in Base 2 and it has been a great week, with everyone working very hard and trying their very best! It has been great continuing to get to know each and every one of Base 2 this week.

We had a go a retelling a fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs. We had to order the story and then have a go at acting the story out. We also got to use the giant story mat to retell the story as a whole class prior to creating our own story maps and writing the story. The children gave this a good go and showed off their writing skills. Next week we will be beginning one of our texts that we will be working on for the next few weeks.

In Maths we have started our work on Number and Place Value by ensuring we can read and write numbers. We have practised our counting and then looked at the numbers in more detail, identifying the tens and ones. Next week we will continue to work on place value, applying skills in a range of ways to deepen our understanding.

Our afternoons have allowed us to jump back in time to start exploring children in war. We began our journey in World War 2 looking at evacuees. We discovered what an evacuee was, where they went to and what they took with them. An important thing they had to carry at all times was a Gas mask, so we explored what gas masks were and how they helped not only evacuees but soldiers as well. We decided to have a go at making our own gas masks, pictures of these will follow next week when they are completed but they are already looking great!

Base 2, keep reading like you are, everyone is doing a great job with reading, and practise your spellings because practise makes perfect! Keep up the hard work.


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