Another lovely week in Base 2, it's a shame the weather wasn't as nice! Hopefully the sunshine will return soon.
In literacy this week we followed some instructions to make a paper plate fish and then we had to write our own version of the instructions independently. Everyone used bossy verbs and time adverbs very well to write their instructions with some children including additional inst unctions to make it easier to follow. We then had a mysterious object turn up in the classroom and nobody knows where it has come from. We described the object so that someone might be able to help us work out what it was. We discovered some lovely adjectives to use and good positional language. Next week we will be exploring the object in greater detail.
In maths we have been exploring measurement and reading scales. We used rulers to draw lines of a specific length and then we used tape measures to measure the height of the children in the class recording each measurement in cm. We then moved to reading scales that show capacity using ml. We had a range of scales to read including ones with missing numbers which required us to count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 or 10. Next week we will be investigating the inverse operations and estimating answers.
Our sunflowers have been planted in bigger pots to allow them to grow bigger before being planted in the ground. Some of them are looking good and all of the children learnt how to carefully plant a sunflower without damaging it.
We have made our own books and written our versions of Ralfy Rabbit in them along with some lovely pictures. We tested our patience and had to use steady hands to create our fantastic front covers for our topic books. They look lovely!
Next week we will be continuing work on our topic books and exploring habitats in Science.
Thank you to all parents who attended the year 2 SATs meeting, it is really important that the children are well rested and happy!
Keep up the hard work Base 2!
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich