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Base 2 news

7th November 2020 – by B Cador
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Base 2 have been busily researching the school's history and trying to answer the question 'How old is the school?' At the beginning of the week they were preparing questions to ask Mr Eaton, who was a pupil at the school, for when they interview him next week. They are very excited about this and have written some super question sentences.
On Thursday, the children were taken on a walk in and around the school (not crossing bubbles!) to find clues...they found lots, including an original school desk/bench and a slate for writing on! Their comparative and descriptive language as well as their reasoning was fantastic.
At the front of school, we began to look closely at the building itself – what a beautifully designed building it is with all its different brick work and design features, a wonderful front door and of course the belfry tower! We sketched the school from the roadside. Back indoors, we watched a short video 'Austin's Butterfly' (worth a look!) and then went back outside to try a second draft, inspired to look a little more closely. Some huge improvements followed!
On Friday, the children used pen (for their first time) on coffee stained paper to draw the school for their Learning Journey books. A few, poignantly-placed, red poppies completed their work. Enjoy some of their amazing drawings including Zach and Scout' work.

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