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Base 1's reading week

10th March 2019 – by Miss Pitchford
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What a fabulous week we have had in Base 1 getting to spend even more time than normal doing one of our favourite things – sharing stories!

The week started with an introduction of the 'reading bell' around school which we soon learnt meant we had to stop everything we were doing and share a story. The bell rang at different times each day and we keenly listened out for it. Some of the children enjoyed stopping everything to read so much that they found a bell in our box of musical instruments and took matters into their own hands, ringing a 'reading bell' regularly around the classroom!! We have also had mystery readers dropping in all week, thank you so much to Annie's mum, Bertie's mum and Rhys's mum, we absolutely loved having you come to read. If anyone else would like to be mystery reader, please do let me know, we promise to be a good audience!

On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons we invited parents and family members into class for the last half an hour during story time. The children loved showing the grown ups around the classroom and choosing a book from our reading corner to share. Thank you so much to those who could come – I hope you enjoy the photos.

Thursday was World Book Day and whilst I wasn't in school myself that day I came back to some very excited children on Friday, eager to tell me all about the character they had been dressed as the day before! They had also done some fabulous self portraits of themselves dressed up and some super writing about their characters.

On Friday we launched our own Friday Book Swap (aka Miss Pitchford's library!) and this is something we will be continuing to do every Friday. It is a chance to choose a new book with your children, borrow it from school and then bring it back to swap the next week. It was lovely to see Fraser, April, Bertie and Alice (with the help from older brothers and sisters!) choose a book to take home and share together this week. If you are able to, pop in next week at 3:30pm and find a new book to read.

Alongside all of this excitement we managed to read a bit of our new story and meet Bog Baby, we created our own Bog babies and also converted the outside shed into a 'Bug Cabin' for all of our nature investigations. We also worked on the language of subtraction in maths, playing lots of different games that help us to learn about taking away and finding less.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Miss Pitchford


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