Wow what a busy week! All of Base 1 children arrived back from their half term holiday ready and excited to learn. Everyone seems to have grown taller!!
On our first day back we saw very interesting creepy crawlies in school. The children have been busy gluing, sticking and making some amazing minibeasts over the holiday. Well done everyone they really are fantastic.
This week we enjoyed reading one of our favourite books. The Very Hungry Caterpillar! The children joined in as we read the story. Then on Monday afternoon we had a very special delivery! Some very tiny, but very real caterpillars were delivered to school. We carefully opened the package and we were all excited when we saw 10 very hungry caterpillars! We now have to keep looking and checking every day to see how they are growing and changing.
We are getting very good at counting forwards and backwards to 20. On Wednesday we had to help our pet crocodile who isn't very good at counting. He made lots of mistakes but we soon put him right!
We have really enjoyed learning outside this week. We made dotty animal pictures, we have enjoyed our outside reading den, we have a new water play area and some new outside whiteboards!
We have had a brilliant week! Next week we will be tasting some of the delicious fruit from the story, we will start a caterpillar diary and in numbers we will find out about number bonds.
It's not too late if you want to make a mini beast at home!
Thank you Parents for all your support.
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich