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Base 1 News

22nd January 2018 – by Miss Pitchford
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Wow! What a busy couple of weeks it had been in Base 1. It was so lovely to see all the children well rested after the Christmas break and full of excitement to share their adventures.

We felt so lucky to go on a trip to the cinema on just our second day back and had the very best time. We all enjoyed the film very much and many of the children commented on how excited they were to get to eat their lunch in the cinema too! In our literacy lessons back at school we read the original story of 'Ferdinand' and talked about the similarities and differences, as well as whether we liked the film or the book better. The children wrote wonderful recounts of our adventures. We also took this opportunity to learn a little bit about the history of film and how it is another way of telling stories. We looked at some black and white film and learnt that you have to really concentrate to follow the story as there didn't always used to be talking, sometimes it was silent and sometimes just music. Inspired by this we created our own shadow puppets and theatres to re-tell the story of Ferdinand.

We have now started reading our new book for this half term, and we are enjoying finding our about all of the problems that Detective Dog Nell is solving with her owner, Peter.

In maths Y1 have been working on using numbers to 20, in particular finding 1 more and 1 less as well as starting to add 1 and 2 digit numbers. We have been using lots of practical resources to help with this and becoming more confident with missing number problems. The reception children are working hard on their number recognition and then ordering numbers to 10 and even starting to tackle numbers to 20. We have been playing lots of games finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number!

In science we have been revisiting the 4 seasons, looking specifically at winter. We went on a winter walk to look at the trees and learnt about evergreen and deciduous trees, we collected some data and discovered that on our school field we have mostly deciduous trees as they loose their leaves in the winter. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be learning about different types of animals and what they eat, culminating in creating our very own non-fiction book!

Everyone has made a brilliant start to the spring term, keep it up base 1!

Miss Pitchford

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