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Base 1 News

5th November 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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We have had a brilliant week in Base 1. It has been lovely to hear lots of half term news from the children and see them rested and ready to learn again!

In our literacy lessons the year 1 children have been writing a non chronological report about one of the animals from our book, That Pesky Rat. To do this they had to use lots of the skills they had learnt last term and I was very impressed with everything they had remembered. We are continuing to work on using question marks in the correct place in our writing and will look at this more next week as we start our new book! The reception children have been given their own independent writing books this week (they are very special purple books!) and were given the task of writing their name in their book and forming all of their letters correctly. All of the children had a really good go at this, we will be writing more in our purple books next week.

In our maths lessons we have been continuing to work on addition. The year 1 children have been tackling some challenging problem solving and finding missing numbers whilst the reception children have been comparing groups of objects and starting to count them all to find the total. Next week we will be moving onto subtraction.

We enjoyed reading the story 'Pumpkin Soup' on Tuesday as it was Halloween and then made our own versions of pumpkin soup in the mud kitchen as well as exploring 5 pumpkins that were all different shapes and sizes.

In our science lessons we have been learning all about doctors and the good job they do keeping us healthy and well. In order to be good doctors we had to learn the names of our body parts, including those associated with the senses. We enjoyed drawing around Emily (thank you Emily for lying so still!!) on a big piece of paper and then identifying and labelling body parts. The year 1 children were then tasked with labelling their own person independently. For the rest of the week the children have enjoyed dressing up as doctors and nurses and giving anyone who comes into our classroom a check up. Luckily I have been told that my heart is beating loud and clear, phew!

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend, wrap up warm and stay safe if you are going to see fireworks tonight, I look forward to hearing about it on Monday.

Miss Pitchford

news blog typewriter
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