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Base 1 news

10th June 2018 – by Miss Pitchford
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It has been a super busy first week back in Base 1! We started the week by following instructions to make our very own 'dragon machine'. In our literacy lessons we then spent time looking closely at how verbs are used in instructions before writing our own set of instructions explaining exactly how the dragon machine was made. We then read a little more of our story and found out some more about George's dragons, who we have discovered are very mischievous, and then started to think about how we could write instructions for how to take care of one of these dragons if anyone ever found one. We have planned a these instructions and are looking forward to writing them next week.

In maths we have been working on describing position and direction. Year 1 did a lot of practical work practising whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns before making their very own 'turning machine' which helped them to record making these turns on paper. The reception children have spent time this week describing the location of different objects using the correct mathematical vocabulary!

Our artwork this week has been inspired by a book full of beautiful illustrations called 'Tell me a Dragon'. We spent time looking at how the dragons in the book were all different shapes and sizes and were often a mix of colours carefully blended together. The children then created their own pencil drawing of a dragon before using watercolour paints to complete their picture. The children worked really hard to paint their dragons skilfully, finding the right balance of paint and water and also blend the colours in the way we had seen in our book. They created some beautiful artwork and were very proud of it!

It has been fabulous to have some beautiful weather this week and we've enjoyed playing on the new games that were marked on the playground just before half term. We will be hopscotch and snakes and ladders experts by the end of the year!!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
Miss Pitchford


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