We have been very busy in Base 1 over the past few weeks. As you can see from our photographs we have a brand new mud kitchen which Mr Francis kindly made for us. Thank you Mr Francis! The children are loving playing in it and have been making all sorts of lovely pies and cakes! Thank you to all who donated old kitchen utensils, pots and pans to the kitchen, we really appreciate your kindness.
In maths sessions we have been learning all about money and time. The children can name the different parts of the day and have been practising telling the time using o'clock and half past. We also worked on our understanding of how long 1 minute was, and counted how many times we could do things in one minute such as write our name. Some of our estimates were way off, but we got better as we went along! This week we are recapping one more and one less and are making sure we know our number bonds to 10 and 20. On Wednesday we have a special maths day which will include some wonderful practical maths activities for us to get stuck into.
In Literacy we have been writing recounts, character descriptions and fact files about penguins and Polar bears. This week the year ones will be writing a story based on the book Sea of Dreams and the reception will be continuing to work on sounding out words to help with their writing of sentences. I have been really impressed with the writing in reception; they are really working hard!
In science we have been learning all about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. The children were very good at sorting the animals into the different groups. We have also been learning about ice and how it forms.
Continuing with out topic about the Polar Regions we have been learning about the Inuit people and how they live and what they use to keep themselves warm. The children have enjoyed reading in the igloo we made which formed our reading area. We have learnt all about Captain Scott and how he was beaten to the South Pole and the children have been great explorers in our tent area. We have also continued to learn about how animals adapt to the cold conditions in these regions.
Next term we will be continuing our journeys theme, but taking it from the Polar regions into outer space.
The year 1's have been taking home homework every week since we came back after Christmas. Please ensure it is back in on Friday at the latest so that it can be marked and a new piece stuck in. The children have been doing a great job at home, thank you for the home support. It really does help the children.
Thank you also for all donations of resources to our classroom. We really do appreciate it. Please continue to send in your empty boxes for junk modelling also, the children really do enjoy this.
Please continue to read as much as possible at home and run through the phonics sounds we have been learning.
I will be holding a parents evening the first week back after the half term holiday. A letter will be coming home soon. Please return this as soon as possible so that I can give out the appointment times as soon as possible.
Thank you
Mrs McGhie
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich