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Base 1 news

8th December 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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What a fabulous week we have had in Base 1! We are all starting to feel very festive and this is trickling its way into our learning. Our nativity rehearsals are in full swing and we can't wait to share it with you all next week. On Monday we will be doing a dress rehearsal for the rest of the school and some of the the pre-school children. So, in our literacy lessons this week we talked about invitations; what they are and why we write them. We then wrote some for the rest of the school and pre school, inviting them to our performance on Monday afternoon. The children worked hard to include all of the important details, then edited their writing to make it even better and wrote up their invitations, concentrating on handwriting (some of us starting to join our letters). Finally the children drew some fabulous pictures of the nativity to finish off the invitations and we popped them in envelopes and sent them out.

In maths we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The reception children have been busy constructing with 3D shapes, creating 2D shapes with Playdough and art straws and working hard all the time to use the correct names of the shapes they can see. We have all learnt the difference between 2D and 3D shapes (we have actions to help us remember, see if your children can show you!) and the year 1 children have taken this a step further by sorting and describing their shapes using some new mathematical vocabulary. We felt like real mathematicians using words such as vertices, face, edge and side to describe our 2D and 3D shapes.

This week we have also been doing some assessments and the children really have shown off all that they have learnt this term. They are doing brilliantly and are continuing to work really hard and apply all that they are learning.

In preparation for the Christmas Fair we have been very busy little elves putting our art skills to good use and creating Christmas crafts to sell, we had a lovely time making lolly pop Christmas trees, festive glittery pine cones and some cards to sell. It was lovely to see so many of you at the fair on Friday. A special thank you to the children who came to help sell our crafts on Friday night, you did a fabulous job rounding up business, taking money and finding the correct change!

On Friday we had the most magical day when we woke up to snow!! It was so special to have the opportunity to play in the snow, we made snow balls, snow men, we found out that snow is very cold (!) and that it melts when we come inside or hold onto it for too long!! I hope that if you have all had a bit more over the weekend you are staying safe and enjoying it just as much as we did on Friday.

See you on Monday, remember to bring your best singing voices!
Miss Pitchford

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