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Base 1 News

23rd April 2017 – by Mrs McGhie
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Welcome back Base 1 after the Easter holidays!

The children were very excited to tell me all about their Easter Break and how many Easter eggs they had eaten! It was also lovely to see that our bulbs have grown in the outdoor area. We have some beautiful tulips and flowers in our pots. We had to wait a long time, but it was worth the wait.

This week we began our new topic all about 'Africa'. We talked about all the different things we would be learning about – landscape and landmarks, people, animals, languages, art to name but a few. The children located Africa on a world map and we learnt that there were 55 countries that make up Africa and that the landscape in the North is very different to the landscape in the South.

In Literacy we have been reading Handa's Surprise. We have been sequencing the story and learning all about adjectives (describing words). We picked them out of the text and then had a go at writing our own adjectives to describe different types of fruit.

In maths we have been consolidating place value. We have been practicing one more and one less, counting in 10's and spotting missing numbers in number sequences. Next week we will be working on division.

In PE we have been practicing our ball skills and playing team games. We have even started practicing for sports day!

Year 1 took home maths homework this week concentrating on one more and one less. Please have this back for Thursday Year 1.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs McGhie and Mrs Griffin


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