Welcome back to all the Year 3 and Year 4 children who have had a fab 3 days to ease back into school routines and rituals.
The children have been doing some activities to put their stamp on our lovely new classroom and also getting to know our three new teachers in school too!...Mrs McGhie, Miss Phillips and Miss Davies, who we hope are settling in nicely too.
I am very impressed with how everybody has returned to school ready to learn, kitted out with everything they need and also remembering my new name very well indeed!
Many thanks for all your kind wishes and congratulations- I certainly had the best Summer of my life so far! :)
Next week we will be getting straight into our usual lessons and diving into our new topic-'Roman Mysteries' which shares its title with our first class novel we will be reading. Swimming starts on Friday 11th September so please remember your kits everyone.
A little reminder for Thursday...hopefully your child has come home mentioning that they have been asked to bring 'a special book' to school with them on Thursday. This is for their RE lesson. The book can be a diary, secret book, story, non-fiction book or even a recipe book!!...anything at all as long as it is special to them and they can say why.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Carden
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich