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4th November 2017 – by B Cador
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Well done children! This week we had all classes at 96% or above with Base 2 reaching 100% again! This is fantastic and Base 2 were so proud of themselves – and rightly so!

The vast majority of our parents are committed to ensuring very good or outstanding attendance (and punctuality) for their children and our pupils and understand that every lesson does count in ensuring their child makes good or better progress!

Since the start of the school year:
Base 1: 95.8%
Base 2: 98.6%
Base 3: 95.4%
Base 4: 97.3%
Whole school: 96.7%

Let's see if we can keep improving on this very good start! Let's see if Base 1 and Base 3 can do as well as Base 2 and Base 4 and if the whole school can attain 97% or higher attendance! Every day counts and so does EVERY child's attendance if we are all going to achieve great things together!

A reminder that all holidays are unauthorised and will result in the LA being notified for time taken out of school during term time for this purpose, with the potential of the LA awarding fines.

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