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21st January 2017 – by B Cador
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Well done to Bases 1, 2, 3 and 5 whose attendance this week has been outstanding! We have an ambitious target of 97%+ attendance and this week the children as a whole school achieved 97.5%! Well done – let's keep this up!

Base 1 99.0%
Base 2 97.1%
Base 3 98.8%

Base 4 93.7%
Base 5 97.5%

A reminder that children must be in school no later than 8.55 am in the morning in time for registration. This allows for a prompt start for the lesson and for the learning for the rest of the class and avoids unnecessary disruption. 5 minutes late each day means three whole days lost each year

98% attendance means that your child has missed 4 days in the school year
95% attendance means that your child has missed 10 days in the school year
90% attendance means that your child has missed 19 days in the school year
80% attendance means that your child has missed 38 days in the school year

Please endeavour to support outstanding attendance for your child as every day in school does count!

If your child is absent, please ensure you contact school BEFORE 9.30am to keep us informed. Thank you.

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