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Attendance celebrations

9th December 2018 – by B Cador
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I have to share the good news about our children's attendance up to 30 November! We are ABOVE our school's aspirational target of 97%. Attendance nationally is around 95%. We are doing extremely well and this has been endorsed by our school's Educational Welfare Officer, who came in recently to check our registers and thanked Mrs Rowlands and myself for such good work. I'm passing on her thanks to you.

Thank you to all our parents and carers who ensure their children are in school as much as possible and not keeping children at home unnecessarily. The Self Care work undertaken by Mrs Rowlands is really paying off and children are now leading the way in our drive for full attendance...and celebrating when they achieve whole class 100% attendance at the end of a week, by winning a Golden Tickets for their class.

I was in Base 4 on Friday and we were one child down just as I was about to close the register...the door opened and in walked the child who would give the class their Golden Ticket for a week of 100% attendance! A great cheer of celebration went up in the room! What a welcome, what wonderful smiles and what a wonderful sense of belonging!

Keep up the fantastic attendance everyone! Remember, every lesson really does count!

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