This week is ANTIBULLYING WEEK. The theme this year is Power for Good
In assembly today the children were asked to consider what would stop bullying.
We looked at each of the letters in the word BULLY. We thought that if we ALL followed these simple statements that we came up with, there wouldn't be any bullying:
Be kind and respectful to EVERYONE
Understanding of the views of others, step into their shoes
Listen to each other; take turns
Look out for each other; let everyone join in; like everyone
Yourself – it's ok to be you!
We talked about our Wellbeing Lunch Clubs and our focus for this term on Getting on and falling out basing our understanding through Friendship Terrace. In Friendship Terrace live people who are friendship BLOCKERS and they learn to be friendship BUILDERS. We have already met Fitzroy First and Blurt Out Belinda. Whilst these aren't necessarily bullying behaviours they can make us feel less important or not have a voice.
We know that if someone is making us feel sad or is not behaving nicely to us, we know it's ok to tell!
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich