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Another day, lovely catch ups...

22nd April 2020 – by B Cador
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Welcome to Wednesday's catch ups...a little late...but lots of lovely messages and news to share...

Later last night..
From Sophie, Riley's mum...
Hi Bessa, Riley just wants to say he is really missing everyone after reading Miss Phillips' letter this morning, he can't wait to see everyone again, especially Stanley and Reefe and also, Henry, Taylor & Reece in base 4. Riley's been busy helping his dad build a new chicken run, baking cakes using maths, made a spider diagram all about Egypt and enjoying being on his bike in the lovely sunshine! Stay safe everyone.
I think we're all missing each other Riley. let's hope it won't be too long before we can all get together again. In the meantime, you and all the children at school are being amazing at home – just like we knew you'd be: being kind and helpful, playing nicely with brothers and sisters, having lots of fun, enjoying the outside, doing some school learning but also learning to do new 'not school' things too. I'm sure your chickens will love their new run, Riley. Clucker and Frenchie at our house would probably like a new run too. I know I keep saying it...but we WILL need to have a special cake/bake event (FOWS are you reading this???) when we get back to celebrate our lock down star bakers!

From Jenny, Laura and Nathan's mum...
Hi Bessa, During our family reading time tonight, Nathan and Laura shared with me that the place they are looking forward to going most when the Virus is gone is School. They are very fortunate children and get taken to lovely places so I think this comment is extra special. Anyway take the very best care of yourselves. School will be a very special place to be when we are all together again! It was really kind of you to share their thoughts with us, Jenny.

And today...
From Sarah, Maiasie and Oliver's mum...
Hello everyone, Maisie has been working hard this week, we have been counting in fractions using grapes to help us! Oliver is loving our walks and is excited to watch the lambs growing up. Last night Maisie and I camped out in the garden. At 10pm I woke her and we watched the sky for satellites. We saw three of Elon Musk's string of satellites and another that was heading in a different direction. I think that the really bright star that we saw is actually Venus too.Bye for now x Wrenbury has the baking bug and now the camping bug...iit's wonderful to have this lovely weather and be able to have super adventures even in our own gardens! We were satellite spotting, too, Maisie. Sadly the meteor shower (at 12.30am) wasn't great – we only saw two shooting stars. The lambs are growing very quickly Oliver. Anna's lamb so very small in comparison. Is your lamb the same size as the ones Oliver can see, Anna?

From Sam and Rachel, Alfie and Isla's parents,
Hi All at Wrenbury, We hope you are all well. Alfie and Isla have enjoyed the Easter break playing in the garden, riding their bikes and playing on the water slide. The kids are back to school this week, Alfie's learning about light and enjoying reading his book to me at night. Isla's been doing her phonics and maths which she is enjoying doing. They have both made rainbows for our window to support the NHS as well as clapping every Thursday. They have also been busy making a house out of old boxes and things they have found around the house, it included a garage for Alfie's formula 1 car. Best wishes Gosh, Isla and Alfie, you have been having a good time. I love reading about all the imaginative and creative things you are doing alongside your learning. I watched your video clips of your 'Keepy ups' for this morning's challenge! You both did really well! I'm impressed! The water slide was really fun to watch!

From Hayley, Esme and Libby's mum...
Hi. Today Esme is learning phonics sorting the words into those that start with a C but sound like K and also those that start with C but sound like S. Well done, Esme! Keep practicing!

From Katie, Matthew and Scarlett's mum...
Hi Mrs Cador & Co, I hope you're all well. We have been going on lots of walks and have made the most of the lovely weather we've had recently. We've also been keeping an eye on a pair of robins that have decided to nest in our shed. Belle has drawn this quick sketch of the front of school and she wanted me to send it in. :) Matthew & Scarlett practiced their maths today, they practiced number formation and did some hungry caterpillar addition. They did fantastic and got them all right! Great bird spotting and wildlife watching – do keep quietly watching the nest and let us know when the baby robins fledge...you'll have to be patience and wait a while. Super work, Scarlett and Matthew. Belle, your drawing is wonderful and really captures the school well. Can you take care of your original and bring it in to show us when we're all back at school please so that we can appreciate it properly?

I'm going to finish with this...
If we take the two week Easter break away from the number of weeks we've been in lock down (a bit of maths...) the children who are not in school have only actually missed 13 days in school. Remember too, school is a timetable full of socialising, observing, thinking, reflecting, practicing, playing, creating, using imagining, exploring, helping, communicating through mark making, speaking and listening, discussing, being noisy and energetic, being quiet and still, reading, explaining, problem solving, Wrenbury walking and much more and somewhere in amongst all this is so much learning that isn't formal learning but equally important...so DO NOT put yourself under additional pressure worrying that you are not doing enough... you are doing a great job! Stay positive, stay at home, stay safe, take care. Bessa


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