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And for today...

1st April 2020 – by B Cador
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The first message today came this morning from Mrs Charlesworth, Penny's mum...
The radio presenter was just talking about Gustav Holst – Penny shouts up; I know him- he did the music for the planets! Mrs Charlesworth's response was 'Epic teaching!' Thank you, Miss McKinnon. The children had been listening to his music as part of their Space Learning Journey before school closed. If you don't know Gustav Holst's The Planets do find it and listen to it with your children...you'll be surprised how many compositions you know.

From Charlotte, Jessica and Alice's mum...
I have included one of Jessica doing her vikings project and one of Alice doing her Geography project. Hope all is well with everyone at school. Best wishes Lovely to see both of you and to see doing some lovely learning. Base 2 are enjoying their geography project. We've seen Fraser and Alice's geography and now Esme too...

From Hayley, Esme's mum...
Hi. Esme wanted to share her learning on geography. Lots of learning – I like how you've found a Scottish landmark Esme...Edinburgh Castle is amazing!

From Sarah, Oliver and Maisie's mum...
Hello everyone, today we decided to have a more chilled out day of play and baking. It is Maisie and Oliver's Great Gran's 89th birthday tomorrow so we decided to make cards and cakes for her that I will drop off with her food shop.
She misses seeing the children and they hope that these will cheer her up. (I think they enjoyed licking the bowl the best!) Take care
Everyone needs time to chill. Happy 89th Birthday to you Great Gran! She's a lucky lady getting those lovely cakes and cards.

From Mrs Charlesworth, Penny and Annabel's mum...
A little bit of science today...Investigating light and colours! Wow – some serious science experimenting and learning going on...I wonder what you discovered Penny and Annabel? Were you teaching daddy?

From Erica, :Liv and Max's mum...
Hello. Max and Liv decided they HAD to camp outside, and it had to be last night. Despite searching everywhere, I could only find the sun tent but this didn't stop them! They hung a white sheet on the line with a torch behind it in the hope of attracting the moths... unfortunately (as I expected) there were no moths – probably too cold still. We were expecting them in before we went to bed, but they lasted the night! Brrrr! Needless to say they are both very tired today! Today Liv has been doing some Khan Academy work which she is really enjoying. I have also printed off some worksheets from Twinkl which she is working her way through. She really enjoyed creating a name plaque using nails and wool. First she stenciled her name then one letter at a time she hammered in some nails then randomly wrapped wool around each one. She has also been practicing her handstands, cartwheels and headstands as well as lots of bouncing on the trampoline and playing cricket. Hope everyone is staying well. Liv is really missing all her friends and can't wait to get back to school. Take care Oh my goodness – you're very 'hardy' and brave to spend a whole night outdoors and I'm very impressed! I really like your name plate Liv – a lovely, unique way to do it...Nails and hammers seem to be a growing trend for our Wrenbury families.

From Leisha, Oliver, Willow and Chloe's mum...
Hi, I hope you are all well at school. Today Oliver has done a maths game where I wrote amount of money such as 5p,7p, 11p in circles and Oliver then had to count that amount of real 1 and 2p coins out and match them up, he then did a writing booklet, had a game of hospitals where you can see Oliver and Willow had lots of patients to look after and then they both wanted lunch outside brrr Willow and Oliver, I love your hospital imaginative play...I bet you were fantastic doctors looking after and caring for all your patients. Lunch outside...BRRRR indeed – but we do love the outdoors at Wrenbury, don't we! In school we are also trying to spend most of our days outside. Mrs Clarke put on a hat and gloves and wore extra woolly socks in her wellies yesterday to keep warm. When we were outside today, she thought she heard a woodpecker! It's still very chilly and there's a real nip in the air but that hasn't stopped us enjoying spring and the wonderful sound of birdsong! Thank you for your news today. Take care, keep safe and keep sharing. Best wishes, Bessa Cador

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