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Another week of achievements at Wrenbury!
After a busy week of SATs tests for the Year 6 children and lots of super behaviour and overcoming challenges, we have been awarding many children with 'Achieve' and 'We All Matter' certificates. Well done to our Wrenbury children for supporting each other and ensuring our routines were carefully respected to allow the Year 6 children to do their best during their assessment week.

Last week's winning team was Green Team with a whopping 414 team points earned for the week. Well done!

Also well done to Year 4, who won the weekly Times Table Rock Stars challenge between children in Y2-Y6- brilliant effort.

The attendance award, with 98.3% attendance last week, goes to Base 3, earning them first place in the attendance ranks. Great to see you all trying your best to be here in school each and every day.

Thank you to Zach in B4 for sharing his signed Sale Sharks shirt and rugby ball with us in assembly today- many excited faces to see that.

Here's to another week of achievements!


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Wrenbury, Nantwich

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