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A wonderful start to the decade

11th January 2020 – by B Cador
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What a wonderful start the children have made to their first week of learning in a new decade! We've had teachers and a headteacher visit us from other schools this week. They came away really impressed with the children's engagement in their learning and were also impressed with the quality of our children's work and could see the fantastic range of learning that the children had and were undertaking. It always makes me proud to hear the views of visitors as they acknowledge the great work the Wrenbury Team do and how much our children love to learn and want to achieve.
-Base 1 and Little Wrens have really enjoyed searching for clues in our outdoors and being introduced to Paddington and lots of other bears this week. There has been some fantastic use of initial sounds and writing of words and sentences to describe Paddington and the children loved exploring the world map to learn where different bears live.
-A T-Rex was filmed roaming Base 2's classroom at the start of the week and what a lot of mess it caused...it has really sparked the children's excitement and engagement for learning this week – so much to discover!
-Base 3 have enjoyed a very messy week creating a limestone quarry wall to make the 'dump' where Stig lives and have created their own canvasses, making stick frames and using modroc for the canvas, in readiness for artwork based on cave paintings, as they begin to discover the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
-In Base 4 the children have been very busy investigating printing as an art form – making their own positive and negative prints and developing their skills in lino printing – all based on Viking symbols as they start their learning about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons this term.
-Base 5 had a brilliant visit to The World Museum yesterday – as they start to unpick the Ancient Greek civilisation.

It is no wonder that attendance has been so good this week with such exciting learning taking place:
B1: 100%
B2: 98.5%
B3: 99.1%
B4: 98.3%
B5: 99.7%
Thank you to the Wrenbury Team for the wonderful start to 2020!

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