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A 'Thank You'

18th December 2019 – by B Cador
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I received the following 'thank you' message today from Aston WI.

Dear Mrs Cador,
I am writing to you on behalf of the President and member of Aston and District WI to thank you, a member of staff and 8 of your pupils for the entertainment given to us during our Christmas Party. The children certainly sang their hearts out and in particular when they sang in French and German, a wonderful achievement. You must have felt very proud of them all. We certainly enjoyed their performance. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and all the very best for 2020.
Many thanks once again.
Yours sincerely,
Joan (Sweeney)

Well done to Frayer, Dom, William, Lola, Laura, Kimberley, Jessica and Belle (and Mr Lindop).

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