Museum of Science and Industry

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Our first trip in year 5 was a success, we all had a great day and we learnt lots of new facts and vocabulary that we will be able to use in the classroom.

We started off in the Power House with a challenge to find as many different engines powered by a different type of fuel which we had to remember in our smaller groups. The Power House had so many different engines, it was a big challenge for us to remember what powered each of them but we managed it and found engines powered by:

  • Muscle power (horses),
  • Water,
  • Oil and Gas,
  • Electricity,
  • Diesel,
  • Steam,
  • Hydraulic (the one no one could remember),
  • Hot air (cleaner than steam).

After finding all the types of engines which was pretty exciting and very interesting, we got to do something that was even more exciting — we got to see the trains!! They were huge when we stood next to them. There were a few different types of trains; an articulated steam train that was capable of travelling around sharp bends and up steep gradients, an electric powered engine, a tank engine, along with some of the first engines built in Britain. All of these engines have travelled around the world one had been used in India and another in Tasmania, but all engines get returned to the place where they were built which is why they are now back in Britain. In class before the trip we have been learning about how George Stephenson became the first inventor to introduce a passenger steam train by winning a competition against 4 other engines, one of which was the 'Novelty' which was in the museum for us to look at (it was very basic compared to the other engines). As well as the engines we were fortunate to see a range of carriages, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, which was great for us to see to gather more ideas for our DT project.

After the Power House we went to discover what was outside in the court yard — we got to walk on railway tracks!! We saw the place where they would bring the engines in to fix; there was a hole in the ground for workers to get to the underside of the train but also an overhead hook that was on wheels to lift the trains off the tracks to be moved. We then continued our walk across the cast iron tracks to the sight where the first passenger and goods railway was built in 1830.

As well as all the exciting things we got to see and sketch above, we also got to go into the Air and Space gallery to see some other types of transport that were used in the past and are still used today. There were planes, including the first one built by the Wright Brothers and Royal Air Force planes and helicopters (which were massive and we had to work out how they manged to get them into the warehouse!). There were also cars, carts, motorbikes and even the world's fastest milk float (my favourite).

We had a fantastic day at the museum and the children definitely enjoyed the experience of seeing trains up close and not at a station. I was very impressed with how all the children behaved and engaged with the information! All of Base 4 would like to thank Mrs. Cador and Mrs. Gleave who kindly gave their time to join us on the trip!

Don't forget any of the new facts over the half term; we will need it to put into our Learning Journey books.

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